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Cameroon: phone dialing plan moved from 8 to 9 digits

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Three months after the announcement by the Telecommunication Regulation Agency (ART), the dialing plan of Cameroon moved from 8 to 9 digits up from the first hours of Saturday, 22nd November 2014.

The event was marked by a symbolic ceremony organized at the ministry of post and Telecommunications that took place in Yaoundé, the capital town of the country in the presence of several government members, operators of the sector as well as numerous distinguished guests.

During this meeting, the new dialing plan was presented to the public as well as to the distant managers through a video conference.

Henceforth, all mobile phone numbers, whatever the operator is, will be preceded by the figure 6 while those of the fixed phone will be preceded by 2.

According to the authorities, this new shift will allow Cameroon to have a theoretical capacity of about 800 million numbers.

As it was explained at the ministry of post and Telecommunications, this change derived from the saturation of the current plan characterized by the significant exhaustion of the range of numbers assigned to the operators for a market that counts at present about 16 million users.

This prevention measure was taken because of the recent arrival on the market of the Vietnamese operator that gets the 3rd phone license in the country under the trade name of Nexttel.

We should remind that it is the 3rd dialing plan occurring in Cameroon after those of 2001 and 2007.


Original text by: Blaise AKAME

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