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East Africa: Djibouti wants to be the leader regarding education

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The University of Djibouti operated a high level software system in order to concretize its project of supplying a higher education to students of East African countries.

Financed by the ministry of the higher education, the e-campus platform of the University of Djibouti was revealed during a ceremony in which participated the President of Republic of Djibouti, Ismaïl Omar Guelleh, as well as the students of the University.

Nabil Mohamed Ahmed, Minister for Higher Education and Research, explained that the Peoplesoft system will strengthen the implementation of international best practices for the provision and the management of the higher education.

« This platform establishes represents an ideal basis for the continuation of our investments intended to the youth of this region, the youth for whom a higher education of international level is essential« , indicated the latter.

He added that the use of modern technologies is an essential condition to the improvement of education in Djibouti and beyond.

« The implementation of this system reflects the vision of the President of Djibouti who became conscious that nowadays, high technologies are a mainspring of progress« , explained Alfonso di Ianni, senior vice-president of Oracle for the Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

« This implementation showed that information technologies are a very powerful changing tool for companies as well as for government« .

In the long term, the objective of the University is to supply Bachelor’ degrees and post university trainings to students of the nearby countries, service that, in the opinion of the University, will be taken care by the system.

The implementation was jointlycarried out by Mahindra Satyam and Mega Bureautique companies, a partner established in Djibouti that trained a team of computing engineers for assistance.

Oracle supplied the servers and the storage systems (Oracle Sun X3-2) as well as the software (Peoplesoft Campus, Oracle Database, Oracle Weblogic and Oracle Webcenter).

Djama Mohamed Hassan, the president of the University of Djibouti, indicated that the software platform represents a full university system supplying an education, research and administration management in compliance with the current international practices.

« The University would have had no skills necessary for the manual implementation of these processes. However, the work flows of the Peoplesoft system already integrated a number of the best practices« , supported M Hassan.

« Students, the university staff and the administration will benefit from a fluid, virtual or real interactions that will favor a dynamic answer to the needs of students and the university« , he added.

At the moment, the University of Djibouti gives to more 5 000 students, 29 educational chains including the following four faculties: the Faculty of arts, languages and human sciences, the Faculty of law, economy and management, the Faculty of Science and the University Institute of Technology.


Original text by: Blaise AKAME

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