Gabon opened on Thursday, 26th March 2015, the Gabonese Administration Information Center (CIAG). The new infrastructure will allow the Gabonese of getting information related to administrative formalities without moving themselves. The launching ceremony took place in Libreville.
The National Digital Infrastructures and Frequencies Agency (ANINF) modernizes the Gabonese administration with the CIAG. For Yannick Mickelet, project manager, the new center aims at « favoring the establishment of new departments, strengthening the Public Private Partnership, improving the efficiency of the public service, optimizing the handling of the common files between administrations and improving the inter-administration collaborations« .
The implementation of the project is assigned to the Gabonese company, Samtosa, specialized in the publishing of value-added services in telecommunications.
Concretely, every Gabonese citizen who wishes to benefit from the new service has to dial « 8181 » from his telephone and formulate his request. The operators will then provide the necessary information to the user.
Original text by: Roger ADZAFO