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Grand Prix of Excellence: who are the prize-winners?

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The prize-winners of the Grand Prix of Excellence, initiated by the president of the Republic of Gabon, Ali Bongo, are known since 7th December 2014. About thirty young entrepreneurs and project leaders are going to share an envelope of 450 million FCFA. This subsidy will allow the young people to develop their economic activities.

Fabrice Yonawah and Yannick Ebibi Nze are respectively the prize-winners in the categories of « Actions » and « Hopes » of the Grand Prix of Excellence first edition. As Africa Top Success reported, the first category includes the young entrepreneurs (20-40 years old) owners of a company duly registered in the Commercial court in Gabon or abroad (at least two years of existence). The prize-winner won an envelope for 37.500.000 FCFA. The second category is kept for the Young project leaders.

« This evening, I am proud of our Gabonese youth; proud of your mobilization for a winning Gabon; proud of your energy, your determination, your audacity and your optimism« , declared the Gabonese president on his Facebook page.

Supported by Junior Achievement, the Grand Prix of Excellence is a part of the ambitious « Emergent Gabon » plan of President Ali Bongo. He incites the Gabonese youth to excellence and innovation.

« We can say it: in our capital town in also all the provinces of Gabon, a young class of future entrepreneurs is surely there, ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow« , proudly said Ali Bongo.


Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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