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Rajaonarimampianina: the spokesman of Africa at the USA-Africa Summit

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Busy agenda for Hery Rajaonarimampianina within the framework of the USA-AFRICA summit. Arrived since Saturday on the American land, the president of Madagascar did not have necessary time for tourism. On Sunday, the Madagascan delegation took part in Believe in Africa day.

With a GDP higher than 2000 billion dollars and the growth rates beyond 6 %, Africa fascinates a significant number of investors and foreign countries today.

Apart from classic investors such as France and other European countries, Africa has become the target of other countries as China, India, Turkey and Brazil but also the first world economic power, namely the United States.

Appointed as the spokesman of the Black continent, Mr Rajaonarimampianina thus invited the investors to turn to Africa.

« Africa set up, continues to set up and will set up an environment that attracts investors. An environment of safety for the business that is going to allow investor, wherever he comes from, to be reassured as if he was at home, with investments that can also be profitable as if they were placed somewhere else; thus an attractive, incentive environment. And if they want to invest today, Africa is really a continent to which all the eyes should be turned and I dare to say that Africa is the future« , declared Hery Rajaonarimampianina.

Besides, President Rajaonarimampianina also emphasized on « the potential of the Black continent« , insisting in particular on the promotion of young people as the African population is composed at 65 % of young people of less than 30 years.

The theme of the USA-AFRICA summit being « Invest in the future generation« .

At the end of this meeting, Madagascar reaffirmed its will to make a commitment in stability, safety and in the implementation of a rule of law and in pursuit of the process of national reconciliation that should be applied in all the African countries because it contributes to the economic development.

This, within the framework of its program entitled « The effective decentralization. Image of a development starting from the people and from every region« .


Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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