The first edition of « La nuit du Civisme » took place on Friday, 1st August 2014 the Togolese capital town. Organized by the the Observatoire Togolais de la Citoyenneté et du Développement, the evening (the first of the kind) rewarded natural persons and legal entities that are working for the rooting of citizen values in Togo.
A total of 17 trophies were awarded to institutions and personalities during the first edition of « La nuit du Civisme« . The prize-winners were chosen in several domains among which those of environment, rights of the handicapped people, promotion of school education of girls or fight against corruption.
« We all know that some Togolese are committed in various domains, that is why we decided to reward them for this commitment« , declared Cyrille Ametepé, promoter of the event.
All the assignees of the various prizes reaffirmed the necessity of encouraging civic acts in Togo. « Togolese woman has to stand against ill-treatment of housewives« , declared Epiphanie Houmey Eklu-Koevanu, coordinator of the GF2D, prize-winner of the prize of the promotion of the genre.
1 – Promotion of Tolerance: Association Togolaise pour la Défense et la Promotion des Droits de l’Homme (ATDPDH)
2 – Promotion of Environment: Jeune Chambre Internationale (JCI)
3 – Promotion of Road Accident Prevention: Adama TASSA, Chairman of the Association de la Prévention Routière Togolaise
4 – Promotion of Handicapped Persons’ Rights : Kodjo DAGAH, Chairman of the Réseau des Journalistes et Communicateurs sur le Handicap au Togo
5 – Promotion of Genre: Epiphanie HOUMEY EKLU-KOEVANU, Coordinator of CRIFF/ GF2D
6 – Promotion of Peace: Togbui NUKAFU 3
7 – Promotion of School Education of Gils: Christelle A. ADJOMAYI-JOHNSON, Chairwoman of the NGO Coup de pousse Chaine de l’espoir Nord Sud
8 – Promotion of the Fight against Corruption: André Kangni AFANOU, of Alternative Leadership Group (ALG)
9 – Promotion of Participative Developpement (Diaspora): Dr Aubin THON, Chairman of the Association Togolese Foundation
10 – Promotion of Children Rights: Noel DEPOUKN, Chairman of the Nouvelle Jeunesse pour le Soutien au Président Faure (NJSPF)
11 – Promotion of Reconciliation: Monseigneur Nicodème BARRIGAH, Chairman of the Commission Vérité Justice et Réconciliation (CVJR)
12 – Promotion of Patriotism: Tata Adaglo AVLESSI
13 – Promotion of Locale Development: Togbui Ahoawoto Zankli LAWSON VIII, King of Aného town
14 – Promotion of Humanitarian Development: Doctor Michel Kodom, Chairman of the NGO Aimes-Afrique
1 5 – Promotion of the Best Corporate Citizen: TOGO CELLULAIRE
16 – Promotion of Excellence (Spcial Prize): Kovi ADANBOUNOU, Collectif des Jeunes pour le Développement (CJD)
17 – Promotion of Excellence (Special Prize): Victor James SOSSOU, Honorary Consul of the Slovak Republic in Togo
Original text by: Roger ADZAFO