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WAZAL: the urban label of AYISSI NGA Joseph-Marie that is fascinating

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JJ DU STYLE of his real name AYISSI NGA Joseph-Marie is a French-Cameroonian garment creator of which « WAZAL » is more and more appreciated in France, country of the fashion. Born on 3rd February 1984 in Yaoundé, Cameroon, AYISSI NGA Joseph-Marie, son of a fashion designer, was very early closer to the fashion business.

« My father was a fashion designer and since my childhood, I saw him sewing clothes and I found it curious. I wondered how he managed to use these big sewing machines. He had many customers who requested him and it enormously impressed me the way he was doing things. This urged me to follow these footsteps », he declared to us.

Trained at VANESSA RUIZ School, he exhibited at the FASHION NIGHT on the Elysée Longe of Paris where he presented these three concepts: WAZALROCK, BRAGUETTE TéTé, and AFRICAFUTURE. AYISSI NGA Joseph – Marie’s specialty is the creation of dinner-jackets.

In 2005 AYISSI NGA Joseph-Marie launched « WAZAL », his garment line. His success was fast. Celebrities as SINGUILA, ALPECO, WAYNE BECKFORD or LALCKO are seduced by his brand and were dressed by the young creator. The International Ivorian Romaric N’Dri Koffi is one of the big fans of AYISSI NGA Joseph – Marie. Many of his suits carry the Wazal label.

Wazal is the combination of Waza, the name of a natural reserve in Cameroon and the letter L of lion, animal symbol of this country. The natural reserve inspires respect and the lion symbolizes the power, according to AYISSI NGA.

In search of partner to invest in his project, AYISSI NGA does not however forget Africa, his native land. His dream is to become the helmsman Cameroonian creators.

« For Africa and Cameroon, I plan to give chance to certain young people who want to succeed in this domain by creating fashion schools and I would like to be a model for these young people », he indicated.



Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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