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Amobé MEVEGUE: a reference for the African youth

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Amobé MEVEGUE is into everything. His career inspires the new generation of Africa. The professional of media of Cameroonian origin left Africa at the age of 5 years old but his heart stayed there forever. Presenter for several radio and television programs, Amobé MEVEGUE made of the development of Africa a personal challenge.

Alain MEVEGUE has become for a few years Amobé MEVEGUE. For a very good reason, the famous presenter of RFI and France 24 decided to express in his own way his attachment for the continent where he was born. The man who is noticeable by his boubous in the colors of Africa never misses the opportunity to serve the causes of this continent that he likes so much.

As Africa Top Success announced it earlier, Amobé MEVEGUE will share his rich experience with the Gabonese from 28th July to 2nd August 2014 during the first edition of « Sambas professionnels » taking place in Libreville.

Before this date, he went to Gabon where he participated in the last New York Forum Africa 2014. For the promoter of the Ubiznews television channel that broadcast through 40 countries by satellite, this meeting was beneficial because « we cannot talk about economy without talking about people, because the informal occupies the main part of the production of wealth in our countries, it is important that there are footbridges between captains of industry, decision-makers and people. »

In an interview granted to the site Gabonreview, the Cameroonian reaffirmed the importance of placing the youth at the heart of the development of Africa. « The youth is the future of all nations. I think that for a country as Gabon, it is important for its youth to be trained, but it is as well important for us to move forward to more structuring things », he declared.

Certified by the Conservatoire Libre du Cinéma Français (French Academy of Cinema), Amobé MEVEGUE realized documentaries on several themes among which Amy Koska, la cantatrice malienne. His short film « Lola Darling » obtained the First prize in realization of the Academy that trained him.


Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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