« When an old man dies in Africa, it is a whole library that burns« . This famous sentence of the Malian writer Amadou Hampâté Bâ illustrates the incapacity of the African continent to keep its ancestral values. Gaston Donnat Bappa, a Cameroonian engineer proposes a solution for the loss of Africa cultural treasure. He plans to set up the first encyclopedia 100 % African that will protect the African traditions.
African Traditions Online Encyclopedia (ATOE) is the name of the first gate of the African encyclopedia that will come into being very soon. For the founder of this ambitious project, the objective of this initiative is to show that there is no incompatibility between the Information and Communication Technologies and the African traditions.
Gaston Donnat Bappa knows better than whomever what he speaks about. Engineer in data processing, he is also a traditional chief of Nkong village in Cameroon. « Some people think that traditions do not belong to ICTS. But, if we do not know where from come we, we cannot know where we go », he explained.
The project, strongly inspired by Wikipédia, will be opened to all. Anybody can contribute or ask for the amendment of certain elements on the site. The contributions will be voluntary according to Gaston Donnat Bappa.
The rewriting of the African history reappears in debates. As Africa Top Success announced earlier, Senegalese experts (400 scientists and researchers) organized at the end of March, a preparatory seminar in prelude to the rewriting of the history of Senegal by Senegaleses.
Original text by: Roger ADZAFO