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Ivory Coast: France embassy supports 3 projects of the civil society

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Three projects carried by organizations of Ivory Coast civil society will be financed by France embassy. The financing protocol was signed last Wednesday between France ambassador in Ivory Coast and the NGO beneficiaries of the 130 000-euro envelope (85,1 million FCFA).

Child welfare, Assistance to poor populations, structuring and strengthening of civil society organizations are three sectors concerned by the financing of France embassy. This support for Ivory Coast non-governmental organizations is within the framework of the program of the Special Development Fund (FSD) by France Embassy.

The project of the National Association for Help to Child in Danger (ANAED) concerning the children protection is financed at the level of 45 000 euros (29, 2 million FCFA).

50 000 euros (32,7 million FCFA) will be invested in the project of capacity strengthening of fish farmers organizations carried out by Fish Farmers Association of Ivory Coast (APCI).

The last project carried by the “Arche de Côte d’Ivoire” (socioeconomic Integration of people with mental handicap) is financed at the level of 36 000 euros (23,6 million FCFA). It will participate in a better care of the handicapped people.

« Our objective is also to boost our workshops (pastry and poultry production units) in which handicapped people are working and that have been moving on idle speed since they were plundered during the military political crisis of 2002 » underlined Koffi Gnagoran, the Manager of the “Arche de Côte d’Ivoire” on


Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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