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«Magic in the air»: a song of Magic System chosen as the hymn of the World cup

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A’Salfo and his friends, members of the Magic System group did not think that their song, « Magic in the air » recorded on their on their very last album, « Africainement Vôtre« , would become a global hit.

« Magic in the air », realized in association with the Moroccan singer Chawki, quickly stood out as one of the summer hits and moved into clip of campaign UNESCO and non-official hymn for World cup 2014.

Produced by the Moroccan RedOne, the producer of the last hymn of the Real Madrid, the song has already exceeded 11 million views on YouTube.

The festive song pleases so many people as several songs of the group and perfectly seems to fit the euphoria connected to the World cup 2014.

The group was moreover invited by the French Football Federation at the Clairefontaine in order to booster the French team before the long-awaited event.

Taking advantage of this media wave, the group ambassador of the UNESCO decided to launch an auction-sale of dedicated official balls which profits will be paid back to the UNESCO for its action for illiteracy elimination.


Original text by: Blaise AKAME

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