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Burkina Faso: free concerts by Rovane for the well-being of the young girl

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Convey conscious messages in favor of the young girl and woman; that is the original idea of the singer from Burkina Faso, Rovane that started on Saturday, 20th September a tour on a national scale.

The artist will present during a series of concerts in 15 localities and this until the next 25th October.

The musician Rovane will thus make a sensitization through music on themes as « schooling of the young girl », « fight against excision, obstetric fistulas », « maternal health », « premature pregnancies or in schools ».

She is supported in this initiative by the United States embassy in Burkina Faso but also by the municipalities association of Burkina, the African Solidarity association.

According to the technical staff, it is a program made of musical performances and theater workshops that will be offered to the populations of the cities taht will be visited.

« Concerts are going to be performed outdoor on trucks platforms and will be free of charge, because what I want is a consumer concert where there will be a direct contact so that the message can better pass« , underlined Rovane.

Rovane has four albums to her credit in which she defends the cause or the merit of woman.

  Original text by: Blaise AKAME

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