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Ivory Coast: government praising the advantages of DTT

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Within a few months, all African television channels will move to digital terrestrial television (DTT). This new situation will change the habits of populations. The latter have to equip themselves with television sets capable of receiving sounds and high definition pictures (HD particularly).

In Ivory Coast, government issued a decree forbidding the import of analog televisions. The measure is not apparently respected; what made react this week, the Ivory Coast Minister of communication.

On Tuesday, 21st October 2014, Mrs. Affoussiata Bamba-Lamine, Ivory Coast Minister of communication, presided over in his office, an interministerial meeting that aims at reassuring the populations as for the conformity of the decree forbidding the import of analog televisions according to the regulation of WAEMU (West African Economic and Monetary Union). For the Ivory Coast Minister, the transition towards DTT is a godsend for African governments.

« The passing over to digital technology is an important challenge and a great stake in terms of job creation and source incomes for government through licenses for the operation of new television channels« , indicated Mrs. Affoussiata Bamba-Lamine.

In fact, from 17th June 2015, date when Ivory Coast will move to DTT, the State will benefit from a large control in the frequency management. 15 to 20 channels can be broadcast on the same frequency.

Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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