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Paul Biya: is he as wealthier as supposed?

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« Cameroon: Paul Biya among the top 10 wealthiest African Heads of States in 2014 according to the ranking by Forbes« , this is the title of the article that stirs up controversy particularly in Cameroon. Forbes rejects for its part the paternity of such a ranking.

In a communiqué published on Thursday, 9th October 2014, the group denounces the publication of this article by a Cameroonian information site and then relayed by other media of the country.

The article indicates that Paul Biya is the 5th wealthiest president in Africa in 2014 with a fortune estimated at 200 million US dollars.

In the communiqué, the Manager of Forbes Africa, Michel Lobé Ewané, informs the opinion and the press that « Forbes has never published a ranking on the wealthiest Heads of State of Africa« .

For Michel Lobé Ewane, no ranking of this kind is available on site. After checking by, the fortune that would belong to African Presidents was rather published on that « has no link with Forbes Media Group« , specified Manager of Forbes Africa.

Michel Lobé Ewane qualifies « the so-called ranking » published in the name of Forbes of « opinion manipulation and the worse, the use of the fame and the credibility of Forbes magazine for ill-intentioned objectives« .

Find the complete article here (French version)


Original text by: Blaise AKAME

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