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Unordinary event in Togo: participate in photography competition of France embassy in Togo

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Cooperation and cultural action department (SCAC) of France embassy in Togo launched on 14th April 2014, « Le Togo insolite« , a photography competition for natives of Togolese. Three prizes are involved. Winners will be chosen by Internet users and a jury chaired by the Adviser of cooperation and cultural action and composed of representatives of French Institute and of artistic environment. Registration for the competition continues on-line till the 2nd June 2014.

Here below, an extract of the communiqué of which Africa Top Success got a copy.



Photography Competition « Le Togo insolite »

France Embassy in Togo launched a big photography competition « Le Togo insolite« .

You can interpret it as you want: metaphoric, dreamlike, staged, fantastic.

In altered photography or not.

Participate in our photography competition in partnership with French Institute of Togo

Until 2nd June, you can send your pictures to [email protected] mentioning well in subject of the message « Concours, le Togo insolite ». Do not forget to be aware of regulation of the competition available on  and send us your registration form and authorization of publication. Pictures will then be displayed on-line on our Facebook page. All the Internet users will then have one month to vote, share, comment … Pictures having received « like » the most, will be presented to an international jury. The three winners will be chosen on the next 10th July.

All of you, take your cameras and make us discover Togo differently!

Join us right now on the Facebook page of France Embassy in Togo ( follow live current events of this competition and all our activities in Togo.


Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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