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Victory of Buhari: The future Nigerian First Lady explodes on Twitter

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Aisha Buhari (photo) was the happiest on Tuesday, 31st March after the publication of the victory of her husband, Muhammadu Buhari, in the presidential elections. And she found necessary to express her happiness on Twitter.

She thus made tweets pour after the phone call from the outgoing president, Goodluck Jonathan, as good loser, to congratulate his opponent.

As a reminder, Muhammadu Buhari obtained 15 424 921 votes, or 53,9 % over 28 587 564 valid votes; a success that carries promises of hope.

Here are some tweets from the future First Lady:

« I would like to use this means to congratulate the new elected president of Nigeria, General Buhari for his success in the elections« .

« I congratulate the Nigerians of being peaceful and not choosing violence. May God bless Nigeria. »

« I also congratulate the outgoing president, Goodluck Jonathan on admitting the defeat« .

« Thanks to »Almighty Allah » and the Nigerians for making big decisions, together, we build this nation for a better place to live« .

« I am so proud of my husband and the team that worked so hard for this success ».

« Les Nigérians sont conscients plus que jamais que les gens ont le pouvoir d’influencer le sort d’une nation ».

« Nous devons voir cela comme un spectacle de la démocratie triomphante. Un changement pour le mieux ».

« The Nigerians are more conscious than ever that people have the power to influence the destiny of a nation« .

« We must see this as a triumphant democracy show, a change for better life ».

« Finally, a Nigerian decided to lead the nation for the next 4 years. It is about the votes that matter and the citizens, who accomplish them, count« .

« Nigeria is more important than nyy person or group of people. We need peace and not war ».


Original text by: Blaise AKAME

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