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Accueil / Country / West Africa / Burkina Faso / Dak’Art 2014: Driss Oudahi and Olu Amoda, winners of Léopold Sédar Senghor Prize

Dak’Art 2014: Driss Oudahi and Olu Amoda, winners of Léopold Sédar Senghor Prize

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Organizers are sending us the news of the 11th biennial event of contemporary African art « Dak’Art 2014 » in real time. The Algerian painter, Driss Ouadahi and the Nigerian sculptor, Olu Amoda won on Friday in Dakar, Senegal, the Grand Prix Léopold Sédar Senghor.


According to the Algerian Abdelkader Damani who spoke in on behalf of commissioners of Dak’art 2014, both prize-winners obtained the same marks.


Olu Amoda is a Nigerian sculptor of international fame, muralist, furniture designer and multimedia artist whose work is made of collected materials and metal.


As for Driss Ouadahi, he is a painter of international fame who started with abstract art.


The edition of this year will come to an end on 8th June.


Dak’art 2014 prize list here below:


– Grand prix Léopold Sédar Senghor : Driss Ouadahi (Algeria) and Olu Amoda (Nigeria)
– Prix ministre de la Culture : Justine Gaga (Cameroon)
– Prix OIF : Sidy Diallo (Senegal)
– Prix ville de Dakar : Faten Rouissi (Tunisia)
– Prix Fondation Blancher : Milumbe Haimbe (Zambia)
– Prix Omar Ndao : Amary sobel Diop (Senegal)
– Prix UEMOA : Djibrril André Diop (Senegal)




Original text by: Blaise AKAME


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