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Togo: The first evening of public-spiritedness

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Public-spiritedness is slowly but surely finding the right of citizenship in Togo. For the first time, it will be organized in August, « The evening of public-spiritedness », an evening that will reward personalities, who due to their actions, participated in implanting of civil values in Togo.

Togo wants to catch up its delay in civil and political education. Abandoned for a long time, the sector regains its reputations with initiatives being undertaken by governmental side as well as by private institutions.

For the first edition of « The evening of public-spiritedness« , organizers chose Lomé the capital town to be the setting. « We chose the maritime region for this first edition and more particularly Lomé. Our strongest wishes amount to the fact that every year, other regional administrative centers welcome the event », indicated the steering committee in a press kit of which Africa Top Success received a copy.

As the name indicates it, « The evening of public-spiritedness« , beyond awards, aim at stimulating civil behavior at young people who constitute future of the nation. Africa Top succes proposes you the list of various categories of the 1st edition of the event.

– Best actor for promotion of good governance
– Best actor for promotion of handicapped people rights,
– Best actor for promotion of environment,
– Best actor for promotion of road accident prevention,
– Best actor for promotion of tolerance,
– Best actor for promotion of women and children rights,
– Best actor for promotion of fight against corruption,

Special Prizes: 

– Best actor for promotion of community development,
– Best actor for promotion of reconciliation,
– Best actor for promotion of school education of girls,
– Best actor for promotion of peace,
– Best actor for promotion of humanitarian Development


Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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