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M-Pedigree: the Ghanaian Bright Simons’ application that saves lives.

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In Africa, in spite of government actions to stop the phenomenon, marketing and consumption of imitated medicines remains current events. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 100.000 persons die every year in Africa by taking these products which identity and / or origin is deliberately and fraudulently falsified.

A Ghanaian, Bright Simons, invented a simple solution to identify these « false medicines ». In 2007 he set up M-Pedigree an application which informs free of charge customers about the doubtful origin or not of pharmaceutical products they want to buy. You just have to send the code registered on the medicine via sms to the server of M-Pedigree. The application makes researches and sends back to you the answer on your mobile phone.

In 2008 Ghanaian public power as well as pharmaceutical industries validated the use of the application. Bright Simons wishes to share his experience with other African countries as Niger, Tanzania, Kenya, Nigeria or Uganda. In 2011 M-Pedigree allowed Simon to win the 4th Forum NetExplorer Prize.

Having refused a scholarship to continue his studies in astrophysics at the University of Durham, Bright Simons also studied political science before coming back his real vocation: technologies.

« I was student in political science when I got this idea that I could help change things. I realized that I needed to become an entrepreneur but I had no money. I thus need to find a place where my actions could have impacts without a lot of money. It was thus that I opted for the technology », he declared.

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Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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