The African Union declared 2014, the year of agriculture. Several non-governmental organizations are leading various actions to incite decision-makers to invest in the sector. The NGO « ONE » succeeded in mobilizing about twenty African artists who sang for the cause.
« Cocoa ‘ na Chocolate » is the title of the song that is going to awaken the consciousnesses on importance of Agriculture for Africa. Several stars of African urban music such as Tiken Jah Fakoly, Femi Kuti, Rachid, Wax Dey, Fally Ipupa joined their voice to the initiative. « Singers are models in our societies. We think that through song we shall manage to value agriculture too often perceived as traditional and less profitable sector », explained Elisa Desbordes-Cissé, person in charge of the French-speaking partnerships at ONE.
Coming from 11 African States, these artists sing in 10 various languages the processing stages of farm products (cocoa in particular). « Cocoa ‘ na Chocolate » is in fact the second part of a campaign launched by « ONE » in January. The first part of the campaign entiltled « Do Agric. Agriculture is paying » consisted in inviting African governments to increase at 10 % the part of their budget dedicated to agriculture.
« It was moreover the commitment made by African States at African Union Summit of Maputo in 2003 « , indicated Elisa Desbordes-Cissé.
The artists who sang within the context of this project invited the youth to be interested in agriculture that is getting modernized every day. For the Nigerian Of banj, agriculture is « trend and profitable. »
[youtube]Tiken Jah Fakoly, Femi Kuti, Rachid, Wax Dey, Fally Ipupa[/youtube]