The former muse of Yves Saint Laurent, Rebecca Ayoko has come back under the spotlights after several years of absence. Announced at the first Fashion Week of Bordeaux that came to a sudden end, the Togolese former top model will be for the itinerant Exhibition of Factory Graff collections in Paris which will take place from 2nd June to 14th July 2014.
Factory Graff begins is getting shaped in France. The concept consists in restoring artistic value to industrial furniture initially intended to finish in subsoil and garages. Furniture is got back and cleaned at first before being given to the care of creators.
These works will be displayed at several places of the French capital town in particular at famous Barrio Latino, according to the site Rebecca Ayoko will display her vision of the concept beside other ranges as « street art« , « figurative art« , « manga » or « Albato« .
The former muse of Yves Saint Laurent, author of the autobiographical book entitled « Quand les étoiles deviennent noire » (When stars become black), is also announced in Lomé on 28th June for « Water » parade of the Togolese creator Desmo Design.
Original text by: Roger ADZAFO