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Fodé Sylla: Senegalese roving ambassador would like to be useful to Africa

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« I want to be useful to my country and Africa. I did not forget Africa. Africa interests me« . These words are from Fodé Sylla, recently appointed as roving ambassador by the Senegalese Head of State, Macky Sall.

In a declaration on Wednesday, the latter suggested that he would like to work in order to valorize the image of Senegal within the framework of his new functions.

Settled down for several years in France, Fodé Sylla got of an « atypical career path » in France within the associative circles and as Member of European Parliament.

Within the framework of his road map, Mr. Sylla, native of Tambacounda, a region situated in the east of Senegal, « wants to give way to the Diaspora« .

« It is necessary to call this Diaspora by involving it particularly in the implementation of the Emergent Senegal Program (PSE) », said the former chairman of Anti-racist Oganization (France).

« When a country is equipped with a so important project over decades, it requires a mobilization of all Senegalese everywhere« , he declared, adding that « if we do not explain to populations what PSE is, they will not understand it« .

As roving ambassador, Mr. Sylla also would like to wave high the flag of Senegal.
« It is also important that this image of Senegal as a democratic, stable country, can be valorized« , he said, praising the way the country managed to contain Ebola epidemic.

The diplomat would like « to bring something new » underlining that the image of Senegal is worldwide associated with the values of humanism and democracy.

Born on 23rd January 1963 in Thiès, Senegal, Fodé Sylla is a former chairman of Anti-racist Oganization and former European Member of Parliament. In October 2007, the French company, Areva, specialized in nuclear power, appointed him with mission to carry out economic and social development project of Africa.

Original text by: Blaise AKAME

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