The very first project of High speed train (HST) in Africa takes place in Morocco and should be delivered in 2015.
But according to the latest news from our colleagues of Africahotnews, the media is talking about a delay of 18 months in this delivery; what thus set this delivery in 2017 instead of 2015.
However, the authorities seem not to confirm this information and promise a press release in due form in the next days.
According of the weekly « Tel Quel » web site on Monday, « initially planned for the end of 2015, the activation of the HST Tangier-Casablanca should not finally be effective before 2017« .
A delay due in « land expropriation procedures much longer and more difficult than expected« , he continued.
This newspaper will be increased by its fellow, the weekly La Vie Eco that gives more precision onto this delay.
« With regard to the initial schedule, a delay of 18 months was noticed, what will finally bring this date to the end of the first half of the year 2017« , it underlined.
However, the National Railroads Office (ONCF) does not consider the problem the same way.
One of its staff members questioned on Tuesday by AFP « did not confirm » such a postponement and « refused to tell more about« .
According to him, « every press release is dictated by a state of progress« .
Original textby: Blaise AKAME