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Morocco: The 1st thermo-solar power plant expected 2015

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Morocco is working on renewable energies. The Manager of the National Solar Energy Agency (Masen), Mustapha Bakkoury indicated on Sunday that the thermo-solar power plant « Noor 1 » for the Ouarzazate Park will be operational in 2015. According to the declaration, the project estimated at 600 million euro, will not be the only one. Morocco intends to be equipped with five solar power stations on the whole.

The capacity Ouarzazate Park power plant is estimated at 160 MW. According to Mustapha Bakkoury, the construction of power plants « Noor2 » and « Noor3 » will begin in 2015. Calls for tender will be issued for that purpose before the end of the year.

In the end, Morocco wishes to produce 2.000 megawatts of solar energy (on the horizon 2020). Moroccan students are already developing projects for this purpose. « Solar ovens, workshops for lamps operating with solar energy and projects elaborated by students in renewable energy were mainly in the program of the festival (Morocco Solar Festival) »; it is what can be read on


Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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