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Private Equity Africa 2014: Guanomad–SME Fund rewarded

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This year, Private Equity Africa rewarded companies and organizations concluding the best investments and advices in Africa.

For the 3rd edition and exceptionally, a Malagasy company allowed one of the biggest investment organizations in Africa to receive this prize.

It is the exploitation and marketing company of organic fertilizer « Guanomad » that has been working in partnership with « SME Fund » since 2013.

The ceremony of official reception for the prize giving was very recently held in Landmark Hotel in London.

According to the explanations of Erick Rajaonary, CEO of Guanomad, « Guanomad-SME Fund received is rewarded in the Small Deal category of the Year, a category that includes investments of big, medium and small scale ».

« The partnership Sme Fun-Guanomad is beyond the simple financial aspect because Sme Fund supports the Malagasy company in its development strategy through the Technical Assistance Facility or TAF. For Guanomad, the TAF supports it in its emergence on the export and in its marketing strategy. But through this support, Guanomad also and especially benefited from the Sme Fund network that helped it to establish contacts with prospects », he underlined.

During the reception of the Private Equity Africa 2014 prize, Brian Frimpong of Databank, a partner of EMS FUND, declared for his part that « Guanomad is a key actor for agriculture in Madagascar« .

« This company deserves its current position and deserves to be supported thanks to its management and to the environmental aspect of its actions and the values that it conveys. The partnership between Databank and Guanomad is not thus limited at the financial aspect but also concerns the environmental management« , he underlined.

By marketing its products, Guanomad conveys four fundamental concepts such as fight against the food insecurity, development of organic agriculture, rural development and environmental protection.


Original text by: Blaise AKAME

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