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DR of Congo: end of unemployment with JobWangu

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The recurrent unemployment problem noticed on the African continent give ideas to the young entrepreneurs. In democratic Republic of Congo (DR of Congo), Steve Nkashama proposes as solution, JobWangu, an Internet site that puts into relation companies and job-seekers.

« JobWangu arose from the urge to help companies to find qualified staff on one hand and on the other, to help Congolese young people in their job-seeking« , indicated the founder of the project in a communiqué of which Africa Top Success received copy.

Conceived in « responsive design » (compatible with mobile platforms, computers, tablets, etc.), the JobWangu site allows people in search of employment to consult job advertisements put on-line by companies or to directly submit CV that can interest the recruiters.

Internet Ventures Congo, the structure that launched the site, has a long experience in the conception and management of Internet portals. CarWangu, an Internet site specialized in the sale and purchase of vehicles, (real-estate), LoveWangu (site for meetings) or (meal delivery at home and office), are among others projects to put to the credit of Internet Ventures Congo.


Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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