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Africa Water: Africa is planning the 7th world forum of water in Ouaga.

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African countries want to speak as a single man at the 7th world forum of water which will be held in Daegu (South Korea). In prelude to the world meeting, Burkina Faso is organizing from 12th to 14th June in Ouagadougou in partnership with international Institute of water and environment engineering, « Africa Water », a preparatory meeting that is expecting 650 decision-makers and experts of water in Africa.

Millennium development goals (OMD) allowed Africa to realize advances regarding drinking water and sanitation works. However, there’s still much to do because more than half of African countries will not reach these goals in 2015. The number of Africans who do not have access to drinking water is estimated at 300.000.000 people.

This already alarming figure will certainly increase with the growth rate of African population. To avoid the worst, International institute of water and environment engineering and participants in the works intend to submit to the United Nations, a white paper which will take into account after 2015.

 Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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