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Tcherno Baldé: Guinean IT specialist that has become a giant of virtual recruitment

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guineenAfrica would have well liked taking advantage of the knowledge of his son Tcherno Baldé who is solving unemployment problem in France while his continent of origin has the record of poverty. The Guinean IT specialist had the ingenious idea to be self-employed while offering employment to other thousand unemployed people. In 2008 Baldé launched Waliidays, the virtual recruitment fair for which he conceived all applications.

First attempt, masterstroke, the son of a doctor succeeded in convincing 7 large companies based Africa of which Ecobank group. For the first edition, Baldé did make it large. 500 job-seekers showed themselves.

The way the project of Tcherno Baldé was welcomed urged him to take the risk of resigning from his previous post knowing that he could lose his residence permit. In 2010 he got organized and createt Job2day his first structure. Very quickly, he proposed his solutions to that agreed to collaborate with him. He created Handi2day in 2011 that mobilized 30 000 candidates. The project of the Guinean not only helps handicapped people to avoid the nightmare of movement, but also allows the latter not to be judged with regard to the their handicap during the recruitments.

« Tcherno has a human dimension that pleased us, asserted Bissardon. He attacked his career from the North by working for unemployed people and handicapped persons! Besides, it is very rare to find somebody so committed to handicap without being directly concerned », asserted Nicolas Bissardon, sales manager of

Tcherno Baldé is proud of his initiative and he does not hide it. « François Hollande wants to reverse the trend of unemployment: maybe modestly, it will be a little bit thanks to us », he told with in an amusing mood on Jeune Afrique site. Today Baldé is married and father of two children. His company has realized a turnover of one million euros and employs about half dozen employees and several collaborators.

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