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South / South Cooperation: Gabon and Tunisia giving the example

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The Gabonese president, Ali Bongo has just ended his two-day stay in Tunisia where he spoke to his counterpart, Moncef Marzouki on questions concerning common interest. Both personalities signed 5 main agreements that will, among others, allow Gabon to benefit from Tunisian skills regarding vocational training.

President Ali Bongo left Tunisia with five partnerships that will participate in the implementation of his « Emerging Gabon » plan. The Gabonese president signed with Tunisia a cooperation agreement in the field of the employment and executives training, a cooperation agreement in the field of sanitary transfer, an agreement in the field of cooperation and mutual administrative help for prevention and fight against the customs breaches, a cooperation agreement in the field of vocational training and employment and a cooperation agreement between the Tunisian post office and the Gabonese post office.

For Ali Bongo, Tunis is a model regarding vocational training. He did not hide his admiration for the competitiveness of Tunisia on the continental level (3000 foreign companies) and the spectacular development of its technological hub (14 % per year).

« That’s why I found it necessary to visit the El Ghazala technological center. This business incubator of start-up is the flagship of a sector that uses 18.000 people. The example of this economy of knowledge based on trainings in correlation with the market expectations that I considered as one of the major strategy axes of human investment« , explained President Bongo on his Facebook page.


Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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