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Ivory Coast: Miss Jennifer Yeo participating in Emergence 2020 plan

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Miss Ivory Coast, Jennifer Yeo starts on Wednesday, 15th October her humanitarian activities. The one who militates in favor of poor children will proceed to deliveries of school kits and food to needy pupils of Abidjan and its suburbs. A caravan made up of happy elected representatives by the Miss on social networks will cross the streets of Abidjan to set the tone for the collection.

Boarders from centers of Yopougon, Abobo, Bingerville and Bassam will receive on Wednesday the visit of Miss Ivory Coast 2014. This action from the queen of Ivory Coast beauty joins her social projects. But for the Miss, this activity is also her contribution to the realization of the Emergence plan on the horizon 2020 of Ivory Coast.

« Life is enjoyable where the smile of children shines! There are 3 municipalities and thousands of children to make happy. Kindly join the staff of my caravan of the heart by answering as good as possible and in an apolitical way this question « Emergence on the horizon 2020, do you believe it is possible? Why? » Hop, let’s go! », she indicated on her Facebook page.

Jennifer Yeo and her staff intend to celebrate Christmas festivities with children by offering them a fir tree. A gala evening is also announced to raise funds that will be used to the building of a reception and supervision center to restore hope in the disadvantaged.


Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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