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Mali: Rap Generation beyond art!

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The Malian young rappers have their role to play in the society apart from their artistic skills.

A training workshop for three days was opened last Thursday in Bamako in which hundreds of these young artists musicians took part under the theme: « Society and rap generation in Mali« .

According to the organizers, the ambition is to give them training on their role in the society and to initiate them to the various stages of the musical production line and to the management.

For the Minister of Culture, N’Diaye Ramatoulaye Diallo, through the training, it is a matter of « doing so that the Malian rappers can make the best profit of their creative potentialities and they can make a way in the field of success by essentially counting only on their artistic skills« .

For his part, the Prime Minister, Moussa Mara, who chaired the event, hopes « to see the young rappers getting more involved in the sensitization for the fight against Ebola epidemic« .


Original text by: Blaise AKAME

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