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Tunisia: the Bus of hope on its way for medical care to the poorest

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BN15689Bus-de-l-espoir-0614For the sake of supplying quality care to all the citizens, the Tunisian Ministry of Health worked out a project called « the bus of hope« , a real mobile hospital going to meet patients.

It will help to provide medical care in zones of difficult access to the care is made because of the socioeconomic or geographical conditions.

The launching of the bus of hope took place on 10th June of this year in Seraton hotel of Tunis. The idea is to help the most disadvantaged and isolated to also have access to the care.

The bus will so move into 17 different regions and will be escorted by the police in order to solve any problems.

The Bus of hope was put at the disposal of the Ministry of Health for five years and it will then be granted them for free. It can work in perfect autonomy, what allows it to go in fully isolated zones.

As for human resources, it was partner doctors who agreed to sacrifice their time and to go away from their family for the good cause.

This project arose from the cooperation between the Tunisian Ministry of Health and the Bayer laboratories Tunisia. The won an international competition that allowed to finance it and to supply the last technology medical equipment as air-conditioned waiting rooms and successful diagnosis devices, a mobile echograph for instance.


Original text by: Blaise AKAME

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