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Christian MOUALA: the new UNAIDS representative in Togo

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The Congolese (Congo Brazza), Christian MOUALA, the UNAIDS new representative in Togo, officially started his activities with contacting of the Togolese authorities. The expert of the national institute of health and medical research (Inserm Paris) met on Tuesday, 11th February 2015, the chairman of the National Assembly of Togo, Dama Dramani.

The mobilization of means for the efficient fight against the HIV AIDS was in the center of the debates between both personalities. « For our part, we reaffirmed the message of the UNAIDS Executive director, Michel Sidibé, who repeated us this confidence to accompany the country for an effective retort in the fight against the HIV in Togo« , indicated Christian MOUALA.

Togo registers a significant reduction in the prevalence rate of the HIV AIDS (3, 2 % between 2007 and 2009 against 2,3 % in 2014). UNAIDS is the program specialized the United Nations Organization for the fights against the HIV AIDS.

Created on 1st December 1995, its head office is in Geneva, Switzerland. The Malian, Michel Sidibé, is the UNAIDS executive director since 1st December 2008.


Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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