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Burkina: «Faso-Innova-Tic» to detect talents

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Nébila-Amadou-YaroThe information and communication technologies (ICTS) are in the spotlight in Burkina Faso. The ministry of the development of the digital economy and the post offices launches two competitions in the domain towards the students and the young entrepreneurs.

It is about « Faso-innova-Tic » and « Imagine Cup » of Microsoft.

The objective is to succeed detect and support the talents and the skills of the young entrepreneurs in the field of technologies and offer them the support and the conditions to develop their company in order to impact on the socioeconomic development of Burkina Faso.

The program will be carried out through the selection of innovative projects and is intended for the students and the young entrepreneurs working in the domain.

The participants have to give solutions capable of developing agriculture, breeding, health, education, trade, briefly, all the activities related to the informal sector.

Registrations are done on-line and the participants have to propose among others, software, innovative applications on 6th March 2015, the latest.

The national finale is set on 23rd April. The finalist team will take part in the world finale at the end of July in Seattle, the United States.

At the national level, the team will approximately receive 28 million FCFA and a support for the promotion of its work.


Original text by: Africa Rendez-vous

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