Local, regional and world actors in finance, development infrastructure, mining and investments domains are meeting from 8th to 10th October 2014 in Harare, the capital town of Zimbabwe.
This meeting is situated in the framework of the 6th Mining and Infrastructures International Conference, centered on the theme: « mining sector: a driving force for infrastructures development in Africa« .
According to a steering committee member, the conference aims at « valuing the potential of mining and infrastructures development in Zimbabwe and throughout the continent« .
In other words, the participants will work on the way of making of mining operation a priority in Zimbabwe and developing legislation and regulations of the mining activities of the country.
Among speakers: the Zimbabwean Minister of mining sector, Walter Chidakwa, the chairman of the Zimbabwean mining office, Alex Mhembere, the deputy governor of the central bank of Zimbabwe, Mlambo, and Ernesto Macias Galan, chairman of the Alliance for rural electrification based in Belgium.
Original text by: Blaise AKAME