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Ebola: Health workers trained by ECOWAS in Accra

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The Economic Community of West African States announces that 150 agents will be trained for the fight against Ebola virus in the three main countries affected by the disease: Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

The regional organization declared in a communiqué that « health workers from six member countries of ECOWAS will be trained in Accra while waiting for them to be deployed in the three countries the most affected by the disease« .

This is a part of the regional answer plan adopted during the last meeting of Ministers for Health of ECOWAS and that recommends to develop in a substantial way, human potential within the health systems of countries affected by the disease in order outfight the epidemic.

The training should start Monday for five days. It should gather people from Benin, Niger, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria and Mali.

According to the figures from WHO, the Ebola hemorrhagic fever has already caused more than 5.400 deaths since the beginning of the year essentially in West Africa while about 15.000 people were contaminated.


Original text by: Blaise AKAME

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